I am so back and fourth with what I want to do for L's 1st birthday. November 7 is a Friday this year so I figured we would do a Nov 8 early afternoon event. My dilemma is that while our house is nice and open, at the same it's also quite confined. We don't have a ton of furniture, never needed it. Our living room seats 3 people, kitchen seats 4, family room seats 3. The way our house is put together we do not have the room for tables and chairs to be set up and our basement is not finished. If only L's birthday was in the summertime we could have it outside under a Pavillion or something. . I love putting together parties and I'm really good at it but it also majorly stresses me out and I never end up having any fun myself. But with that being said I adore cooking for people and the actual planning part of the process. I can't plan a party with out going over the top with it. It's so easy to say just get a few pizzas, cake and pop. No that just doesn't work for me. That turns into let's do a Circus theme and get a vintage hot dog roller and hand out cracker jacks, popcorn and cotton candy and deck the house out on circus decorations and let's buy a helium tank and blow up balloons and have balloons everywhere. Regardless of my over the top nature, we can't have more than 10 people here max. M's family is huge, mine not so much. I have a 40+ person head count right now. Not going to work. Then the question is asked well why don't my parents or your parents have it at their house? Because I want to decorate our house and L is most comfortable here. Then I consider a neutral space like renting a hall. Okay now we are looking at $500+ and that's without gifts. L doesn't care how any people are at his party. He's ONE. I guess I really just want to have it just be us and grandparents and that's it. I just dont know. Maybe we should just get a new house. Sigh.
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